Awards & Publications
The information on this page is only a partial listing of some of David’s achievements throughout his career. Please contact us if you’re interested in seeing the complete listing of any category.
Awards, Honors & Competitions (partial listing)
Northern California Solar Energy Association — Award 1976
Sunset Magazine, 1977 — AIA Western Home Award, Sundown Residence
HUD National Passive Solar Design Competition, August, 1978 — Juror
First European Passive Solar Competition for the European Economic Community, Sept 14-17, 1980, London England — Juror
Alaska Energy Efficient Housing Competition, Anchorage, Alaska June, 1981 — Juror
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA , 1982 — Architecture Engineering Alumnus of the Year
American Solar Energy Society, 1983 Passive Solar “Mr. Natural” Award
Stan Halls Annual Architecture Award, Nevada City, CA, 1989 — Mountain Pastimes, Spring Street
Stan Halls Annual Architecture Award, Nevada City, CA, 1992 — Black Thorns, North Pine Street
Stan Halls Annual Architecture Award, Nevada City, CA, 1993 — Deer Creek Cafe, Sacramento Street
National Passive Solar Conference, 1998 — Solar Masters Presentation
SIPA Building Excellence Award Competition, 2002 — Overall winner, Fenner Residence
Tahoe Quarterly, 2004 — Mountain Homes Award Winner, Mitchell Cabin
American Solar Energy Society Conference, 2008 — Passive Solar Pioneer Award 2007
Publications (partial listing)
My work has been published in numerous publications including:
Sunset: November 1976, April 1977, Oct. & Nov. 1977, July 1978, Feb. 1979, Jan. 1980, Nov. 1982, April & May 1986, Nov. 1986, May 1998, February 2017
Style Magazine, Iconic Architect Feature Article, February 2017
Popular Science: Dec. 1976, June 1978, May 1980
House and Garden: Aug. 1977, Oct. 1979, Mar. & April 1980
Mother Earth News: Issues 46 & 47, 1977, August/September 2009, June/July 2010, August/September 2011, June/July 2012, June/July 2013
National Geographic: Sept 1977
Better Homes and Gardens: Aug. 1979, Summer 1980, Winter 1983
House Beautiful: Spring-Summer 1983, Fall 1983, Spring-Summer 1986
Architecture Magazine: June 1998
Tahoe Quarterly: Special Mountain Home Issue, 2005
Grass Valley Union, Szabo Winery Article, September 2010
Grass Valley Union, Bales Residence Article, April 2016
Cabin Living Magazine, Mitchell Cabin-Floor Plan of the Month, March 2017
Books Authored (partial listing)
Natural Solar Architecture: A Passive Primer, Van Nostrand Rheinhold 1978
Soleil, Nature, Architecture (French), Editions Parentheses: Rouquevaire, France, 1979
Sonne Natur Architektur, (German), Verlag C.F. Muller: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1980
Abitare Con II Sole (Italian), Franco Muzzio & Co. of Padua. Italy, 1981
Natural Solar Architecture: A Passive Primer (Japanese), Shokokusha Publishing Company, Inc.: Japan, 1982
Arquitectura Solar Natural (Spanish), Ediciones G. Gili: S.A. Mexico D.F., 1983
The Passive Solar Primer: Sustainable Architecture, Schiffer Publishing, LTD. 2008
Passive Solar Architecture: Logic and Beauty, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1981
Solar 4 – Architektur und Energie, Amerika Haus, Berlin, 1981
Work Described in 67 Published Books: (partial listing)
Solar Oriented Architecture, Arizona State University College of Architecture, Tempe Arizona, 1975
The Solar Home Book, Bruce Anderson, Chesire books: Harrisville, New Hampshire, 1976
Design for a Limited Planet, Norma Kurka and John Naar, Ballantine Books, 1976
30 Energy Efficient Homes, Alex Wade, Rodale Press,1980
Solar Architecture, Franta & Olson, Ann Arbor Science Publishers, 1978
The Passive Solar Energy Book, Mazria, Rodale Press, 1979.
Let It Shine, Perlin, John, New World Library 2013, pages 357-360.
Speaking Engagements, Teaching and Lectures (partial listing)
The Smithsonian Institute, “The Emerging Solar Home”, series, October 1981, Washington D.C.
Lecturer-Instructor. Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, “Winterim”, 1976 and “Summerim”, 1978
National Solar Energy Building Design Workshop, April 1979, Iowa State University, Ames
Ecole Plytechnique, June 1980, Lausuanne, Switzerland
The Smithsonian Institute, “The Emerging Solar Home”, series, October 1981, Washington D.C.
Visiting Architectural Lecturer and Instructor, Fall, 1981, University of North Carolina College of Architecture, Charlotte, North Carolina
California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo, California 1982, 1990
Universitie De Toulouse, Toulouse, France, 1978, 1991
University de Torino, Italy, 1991
Keynote Speaker, Sustainability Conference, Torreon, Mexico, Feb 2008
Featured Speaker, Galveston College, Texas, April, 2011, “Evolution of Passive Solar Energy & Sustainability”
Sierra college, Sustainability & Passive Solar Lecture, April 2010
C.O.M.P.L.E.S. Solar Conference, October 1975, Athens, Greece
Aspen Energy Forum, 1977, Aspen, Colorado
FACT 79’, January 1979, Lausuanne, Switzerland
Fiera di Genova (Second Passive Solar Seminar), June 1980, Genoa, Italy
Earth Sheltered homes Conference, University of Minnesota, June 1986, Minneapolis, Minnesota
John Muir Workshop, University of California, Octber 1987, Davis, California
Solar Center, Paris, April 1991, France
Conference De Soleri, April 1991, Universitede, Sicily, Italy
Participant, California Energy Commission Focus Group, Passive Solar Energy in California, April 1994
Conferencista Innovation Cooperativa, Coahuila, Mexico, February 2008
American Solar Energy Society. Solar Conference, San Diego, California, May 2008
Sierra Green Building Association, Truckee, CA., Author Lecture, Oct 2008
School Lectures:
University of Wisconsin, University of North Carolina, University of Washington, Oregon State University, Arizona State University, University of Oregon, University of California, University of Minnesota, University of Iowa
Please contact us for a complete resume.